Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Home, the incombustible button

It is impossible not to see in Windows 10 to a halt and reverse by Microsoft. The effort invested in the visual change Windows 8 is just a little testimony.

It is a wise move as a strategy. Windows can not survive without the business world and the world of business would not touch Windows 8 or with a stick. Too many changes involved in an ambiguous message: the traditional desktop is still there, but here's the new way to use Windows with your fingers.

Such transitions are best done without a safety net. No possibility of returning to the above Microsoft's proposal would have been more forceful. "We are confident that this is the future, try it and see." Instead, in recent years Microsoft has trained users to not leave their comfort zone, and the window pointer.

With Windows 8 dies an interesting bet on user experience. I do not know if good or not-there were successes and fallos- but at least it was a different proposition. Windows 10 comes to saying what every industry and suspicion. In the world of traditional computing formula is refined to such an extent that the changes are purely cosmetic and.

The genius of the new operating system is that Microsoft seems determined to create a single system covering all kinds of devices, a truly universal Windows start and finish on mobile servers, adapting along the way as needed for control and display while maintaining the essence. Those who want a sample, stay tuned to this page.

It is the trend that are also following their rivals, but with a different route. Apple increasingly more integrated services and applications iOS and OSX. Google is starting to mix Android and ChromeOS. At the end we will have three major platforms competing for a market of blurred boundaries, where the distinctions between phone, tablet and PC and will cease to have meaning in our devices show a different face as the screen size or the presence or absence a keyboard and a mouse.

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